Online is a digital watch so is as easy to read as any other wrist watch. The "always on" display is made up of vertical lines which look like a cryptic pattern to outsiders. Turn the watch towards you and the lines fall away to reveal the time in hours and minutes. One push of the lower button changes the display to date mode which can be read in the same way as the time. The digits that make up the time are easy to learn.
The idea for Online was submitted to Tokyoflash Japan by Sam Jerichow from Germany. Find out more about the original concept on the Tokyoflash Japan Design Studio Blog. Blog reader & watch designer Sam says:
"When I received the message about Online being chosen for production, I could do nothing but smile! I actually hopped on my chair! After some months I was shown the first illustration and was utterly impressed. The first product images then just blew my eyes off! Now I can hold Online, a real product based on an idea of mine in my own hands – offline if you will. What an irony! And this is just awesome! Thank you everyone at Tokyoflash and to all who supported me and still do!"