There are two time modes programmed into Xtal. The first is regular mode and displays time in a row of four stylized hexagonal LED digits. The second mode is cryptic mode - to outsiders these LED shapes look like alien code - but is in fact the same digital numbers with the middle line removed. The 8 is an exception but it's easy to learn.
Xtal is easy to read when you know how but creates a sense of mystery for onlookers. The date and alarm time is shown in the same way and you can choose 12 or 24 hour time mode.
The idea for Xtal was submitted to Tokyoflash Japan by Sam Jerichow from Germany. Find out more about the original concept on the Tokyoflash Japan Design Studio Blog. Blog reader & watch designer Sam says:
"Sometimes the work on a concept takes weeks with little steps day by day. Sometimes it's really quick. Back when I was sketching the numbers for Xtal it was spontaneously while having lunch. I liked my scribbles instantly and developed a matching watch. It was a stroke of luck that this idea came to me. I am amazed by how the people on the blog, including Tokyoflash, received the concept! Thank you so much for your support, your opinions and your confidence everybody!"